
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

To gain this secret, King Muhammed Shah Rangeela travelled from Agra to Kabul for weeks while riding on the back of his horse and found this secret from a scientist there. I found this secret from a very old handwritten scripture after enormous search and research.

Dear readers! I bring forward the priceless pearls of wisdom and never hide them. You should also be generous and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Tariq Mahmud Majzoobi Chughtai)

Who will not desire to have an extremely cheap and almost free secret which is as practicable as taking a bite of your meal? Some of the wonderful benefits are:

1)      You vision will improve and you will not need to wear glasses anymore

2)      Headache and migraine would become history

3)      Would never get mental weakness and memory related troubles.

4)      You would wear a wrinkle free face and avoid looking old before time

5)      Never get a dark complexion and your freshness and beauty would last till old age

6)      Get rid of knee pain and backache

7)      Would not feel tired even after working for hours and remain fresh

8)      Would have everlasting youth, vigour, power and vitality

9)      Would never get hunchback and would stay protected from stroke.

King Muhammed Shah Rangeela travelled for thousands of miles to find this magnificent secret and found this from a scientist in Kabul then. This secret was hidden in a handwritten scripture, which I found after a great deal of search and effort and I want to share that secret with millions of my loving followers and well wishers. Are you ready for it? This is such a big thing as there would be no one who does not wish to get this magnificent secret that can make him fit, healthy and generate real vigour while staying at home. Do we have anyone who does not need it? Probably there would be no one in billions who would not desire to be among those with enviable health and magnificent vigour and vitality.

I came across an old man whose back was not bent, neither was he holding a walking stick and he seemed to be quite fit with a mouth full of sound teeth. He seemed to be masterpiece of good health and he was too friendly and had a fragrant nature. He revealed it himself that he had always spared five minutes for his feet every night.  I was surprised and told him that I could not understand. Upon seeing thirst in my eyes, he said it was very easy and could make you understand it. Just take little oil of any type. It may be olive oil, mustard oil, butter ghee or anything. Apply a little quantity to your hand and massage whole of your feet especially the sole for a few minutes. Treat both the feet alike and have a comfortable sleep. You would feel the night sleep more comfortable and peaceful and you will feel quite light and fresh the next morning than ever. He said: my father had advised to always keep a company with the elders and never with the juniors. Keeping a company with the elders will make you learn loads of secrets, wisdom, experiences and their lifelong observations. I was of quite tender an age and sitting with the elders that someone spoke of oil massage. An old man who was about 75-80 years old, revealed this and now even I am 78 but I am the healthiest of all of you although I am the oldest one here and that was quite true as he was really seemed to be healthier than many other old fellows present there. He himself shared the secret of his excellent health that he was advised by his mother to always massage his feet with oil before going to bed. ‘Initially I did not know why my mother always insisted about it but when I became sensible and turned into a grown up lad then my mother told me that if i would continue massaging my feet before going to bed then I would get the above mentioned nine bounties. Then Bababji said that these are nine which can be described but the actual benefits are such enormous that he felt quite shy to mention as you would think that I am an old man but talking about youth and youthfulness. I always saw my mother massaging her feet with oil as well as all my children and even she could have missed her meal or any other important thing but would never forget to massage her feet and I saw her benefitted from it quite often.

Dear readers! It seems to be a little act and does not cost even a cent, does not take longer than 5 minutes and without much effort and this wonderful little act will save you from huge hardships, diseases and disabilities & limitations of the old age. Even if you are 100 years old, still you can tell everyone that your secret of healthy life is massage with oil, oil and just oil. I met a popular politician of my country and he mentioned about his sleeplessness, stress, worries, mental confusions, anger, frustration and other worries. I suggested this simple tip for him although he was insisting to have some sort of medicine. I told him that he had already been using huge quantities of medicines and he did not need any further medicine in addition except this minor tip i.e. massaging with oil and then he would never need any medicine. After a lot of effort I was able to convince him and he promised to adopt this routine. Then he met me again after a few months and told me about his experience. He said that initially he did not have a sound faith in it and he was doing it randomly but without believing in it. Then he realised that it was amazingly working and he decided to adopt it permanently. Now his condition was entirely changed and all his mental confusions, mood twists and all other psychological worries have almost gone and now he felt himself absolutely changed. Even when he has to travel for assembly sessions, he shares his experience with everyone whom he meets and whosoever has tried it, has found it beneficial and excellent. He said that he was so thankful and feeling obliged to me.

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